When you see yourself as more,
You will be more,
And will have more
New Me Therapy creates a New You for your New Life. 
​New Me Therapy is a complete solution-based therapy that has been created to review every aspect of a client’s life – Biologically, Psychologically, Socially and Spiritually..
This powerful and transformational therapy brings together the most beneficial principles from Neuroscience, NLP, CBT, RTT, Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy to offer fast and lasting results making this a great investment in yourself.
All therapy sessions are held within a safe, non-judgmental and confidential space, where you are free to discuss anything you wish that will help you develop, heal and grow. All clients are treated with empathy and compassion, valuing each of you as a unique individual. All strict codes of conduct and guidelines are followed to guarantee all clients the utmost respect and privacy, including those with a high public profile.
New Me Therapy has clients from all around the world, where over 95% of the sessions are held online. There is no difference in the effectiveness of the session between attending in person or doing it online. In fact, most clients prefer this because they are more relaxed at home, and there is no travelling required, especially as it is strongly recommended not to drive straight after the session.​

It's not your fault!
New Me Therapy enables and empowers you to overcome the past issues that may be impacting your present life today, by working predominantly with the subconscious mind.
Most core beliefs are created in our early years whilst the brain was still developing.
During this early development, your brain may have created faulty thinking and beliefs, which may still affect our lives today because they have never been challenged.
Family, society, and school may have played a huge part in creating these faulty negative beliefs or stories .
By working predominantly with the subconscious mind, we can review these old belief patterns and habits now as an older person. In doing so, you will come to realise that many of these old beliefs you have held for many years, were sometimes misinterpreted when you were that younger person, and in some cases discover they were not even true.
Once we have reviewed and undestood where these old beliefs and habits have come from in a psychodynamic way, we can then reframe and update them to create new neural pathways that enable you to think and believe in yourself in a much more positive and confident way.
This in turn creates your new empowering blueprint to help build your dream life now as the independent and mature person that you are today.

How does New Me Therapy work?
Once the client has made a booking, the first step is for the client to complete a form so I can get a better understanding of everything that is going on.
Our first session will be an opportunity for us to get to know each other and review the form to see where your life is at the moment, and to understand what it is that you really want to do to improve in your life.
Many people get stuck on this question because they just do not know what it is that they really want.
We then discuss what you are not happy with in your life, so we can work on a plan to create the New You.
I then present the different types of therapy available to the client depending what it is in particular they would like.
We can go as fast or as slow as you wish. I am here for you.
Some of the therapy sessions are for an hour, and some are longer and deeper, lasting up to three hours long depending on what you would like to achieve.
This process will include everything that you would like to have in your New Life.
Next we spend time reviewing, reframing and reinstalling new beliefs and programs that enable you to transform from the Old You, to the New You.
The longer, deeper sessions will also include a short recording for you to listen to at home for 28 days.
This will enable these new beliefs and programs to be imprinted into your mind, to prevent you going back to the Old You.